would not believe it when I told him you are a man.
"No, I don't mind his knowing it, and I am sure he will not betray me, being a female imperson- ator himself," said Anna, in a typically soft fem- inine voice.
"How do you like living as a maid?" I asked, "Don't you dislike wearing tight corsets, and high heels all the time, and skirts, and having to dress your hair, and take care of your complexion, and all the rest of it?"
"Why should I?" he replied. "I have dressed as a girl for years. It was my business on the stage and I am sure more at home in women's clothing than in men's. It would feel terribly strange for me now if I just put on men's clothes.
I would hate to wear trousers, and flat heels, and have my hair cut short. No, I like being a girl, It is the only life for me. You make such a pretty girl, why don't you live as one too? Miss Grace is rich, and per- haps she would give you a job as a maid or companion too."
"Yes", said Grace to me, "If you will come and live with me as my feminine companion, I will buy all your clothes and pay you well. But you would have to abandon completely all your masculine clothes for good, and I would require a small waist, like Anna's."
"I couldn't do that," I said, "but I want to remain your friend and see as much of you as possible. I have a good position at home, and a family and many friends. I couldn't very well suddenly disap- pear and become a woman, with you. impossible."
That would be
"Well," said Grace, "come and see me as often
as you can get away. Spend as much my feminine companion as possible.
time with me as
I have many